Tuesday, April 28, 2009

scientologists hate me and my books

I understand why scientologists dislike me.
Primarily because I have a web site about their "leader" Tom Cruise.

I point out just how illogical Tom Cruise is on his views of ADD, chemical imbalances and medication like Ritalin.

This upsets his 'FOLLOWERS' because it reveals Tom Cruise to be a "pseudo-intellectual".

Consequently, it reflects on Scientology followers as also being "pseudo-intellectual".

Sorry folks, but this is what happens when you get out of your area of expertise and telling the world silly things like 'THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS A CHEMICAL IMBALANCE.

Scientology should be embarased to be associated with such ridiculous views.

Who can take scientology seriously after reading something like this?

They also hate me because I am the only ADD expert to OPENLY challenge them.

Everyone else is afraid to mention their name.
Even Tom Cruise's sisters get involved. It is rather funny.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Dr. Hallowell is no ADD expert

Dr. Hallowell, like Thom Hartmann , has written several books on ADD.
Unlike Hartmann, Dr. Hallowell does have credentials. He is a psychiatrist.

Dr hallowell also says that he himself, has ADD.

My response to this;

Dr. Hallowell knows something about ADD. No doubt about it.
However, after reading his books, it is obvious that his knowledge is limited.
He doesn't rely on very much research to support his views.

In fact, there are several things that reveal how much he DOESN'T KNOW.

He contributed comments in Thom Hartmanns books. Thom Hartmann is not an expert on ADD in any way or form. He is a radio personality who seized on the popularity of ADD to make some money.
He doesn't know that ADD is a chemical imbalance in the brain.
His books have harmed thousands of parents and professionals to DENY medication treatment.

Yet, Dr. Hallowell gives this man praise for his books on ADD.
Dr. Hallowell apparently doesn't know enough about ADD to understand this or he is blinded by ambition, celebrity, and money.

I would NEVER give a comment to an author that I knew was harming thousands of children with his foolish views on ADD. They couldn't pay me enough.

Dr. Hallowell apparently has a SUPERFICIAL understanding of the problems that ADD causes or he wouldn't be doing what he is doing.
Dr. Hallowell is definitely a EXPERT on marketing ADD and his books. That doesn't make him an expert on ADD.
On his web site, he is promoting a SEMINAR on couples with ADD. $795 for a couple of days.

Come on! How superficial can you get?

Children with ADD and their families are falling apart because of this disorder. Yet Dr. Hallowell is doing a seminar for couples that can afford $795 for a seminar. Good grief!

You should be ashamed of yourself Dr Hallowell. Capitalizing on a serious disorder and the pain of thousands of children.
You sir, are no ADD expert. You are an expert on EXPLOITING ADD.