Monday, June 29, 2009

Ritalin makers could sue Scientology

Scientology has slandered Ritalin for over 20 years (in my opinion).

They have repeatedly made comments about ritalin that are not true. They have tried to convince parents that Ritalin is dangerous and "kills".

There is NO scientific evidence to support any of their absurd claims.
In fact, 60 years of research proves that Ritalin is safe and effective when used properly. Millions of children have taken Ritalin with absolutely no severe reactions whatsoever!

I have testified as an expert witness in child custody cases in which Ritalin was an issue.
We always won.

I will volunteer my expertise to the makers of Ritalin if they decide to sue scientology.
I'll do it for free! Scientology has harmed too many children because of their false and absurd claims.

They won't sue, even though scientology has brought "petty" lawsuits against them. (they lost or withdrew them after a time.)

Scientology is lucky that the makers of Ritalin are scientists and more concerned with helping people than going after critics.

The makers of Ritalin would win! I guarantee it.