Saturday, August 22, 2009

makers of ritalin should sue all networks

For years. network television has "inferred" or blantantly stated that ritalin is dangerous for children.
There is no scientific evidence to confirm this. In fact, 50 years of research has proven the opposite. Ritalin is safe and effecitive when used properly and monitored.
Therefore, this is slander and defamatory.
If you will notice, the networks have stopped attacking ritalin (about 1995-1996)

This is when they finally talked to me, after constantly airing programs ridiculing ritalin.

I simply asked them: Why are you asking me about medication? I am an expert on ADD. Medication is merely the treatment.

After a few other questions, they apparently got with the attorneys and discovered that they had put themselves in a precarious position.

They discovered that in one of my books, I pointed out numerous medications for ADD, not just ritalin.

They were "slandering" one particular product and not others. Attorneys know what this can lead too.

You can't just pick a product and say it is dangerous or harmful without eviedence.

Example: Networks can't just start saying: "snickers are dangerous and harmful for children".
They know they would be immediately sued by the company that makes snickers.

They can talk about the GENERAL topic of CHOCOLATE without much liability. They are not referring to a particular product.

Regarding Ritalin: Networks always focused on RITALIN and not the general topic of MEDICATION used for treating ADD. This is defamatory.

They are lucky that the makers of Ritalin have decided to NOT sue them for defamation or slander.

This is why the networks have stopped doing programs on ADD and ritalin.

They also avoid me because they know that if they give me publicity and people read my books and other writings, this topic will be more openly discussed.

They don't want this. They could still be sued and they know it.

This is why I have resigned myself to the fact that the networks will NEVER give me publicity.
That's o.k. I am satisfied with not being that well known among the general public.