Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Tom Cruise is wrong about Ritalin and ADD

ADD is a chemical imbalance in the brain.
The only treatment effecitive is medication.

Tom is an Actor and should stay out of areas that require more expertise than he has.

He has harmed many people because of his influence.

He has influenced parents and professional to NOT use medication for ADD children.

We will never know how many and who these people are.
However, research shows that those with ADD and are treated with medication, have a better outcome than those who don't use medication.

Tom, and his scientology friends, have been successful in influencing people to not use Ritalin.

This is unfortunate. Some of their lives were ruined because of a high school dropout who became rich and famous.

Monday, May 18, 2009

montel was anti-ritalin-Has he changed?

In the 1990s Montel williams did many shows on ADD and medication.
He was extremely Anti-ritalin and anti-ADD.

He said his son had ADD but he would never put him on medication.
I wrote him and told him that I felt sorry for his wife and child. He, in all his glory, was going to allow his son suffer with a physical disorder that could easily be treated.
His wife is the one who would have to put up with the problems because Montel,The Star, was too busy pontificating on TV.
No response.
In the last few years, a few things have changed in Montels life.
He suffers from chronic pain.

He doesn't say it, but pain medication is what will relieve his suffering.

Also, he has been advertising with a company that provides medication to those who can't afford it.

He has obviously had a change of heart about the benefits of medication.

It always turns out this way.
When YOU personally start suffering, you change your views on medication.
You now discover what many of us have known for years.

Good on his "enlightenment".

Unfortunately, it doesn't help all the people he influenced over the years and convinced to NOT use medication.

You celebrities need to watch your mouths.
What you do is not important. You are merely entertainers.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Tom cruise has ADD and it shows

Tom Cruise rarely admits that He was diagnosed as ADD as a child.

This is probably one reason he hates ADD so much. ADD is a chemical imbalance in the brain.

His ego apparently will not allow him to accept the fact that he has a common disorder.
This is one reason he wants to deny the existence of ADD.

ADD effects every part of ones life, in some way. Maybe just a little in some areas, and a lot in others.
Tom, and critics of Ritalin, probably think that Toms "success" proves that medication is not needed.

Well, let us discuss the word SUCCESS.
Tom dropped out of High school.
Divorced Nicole Kidman
Acts immature on national TV (jump on oprahs couch)
On TV, makes ridiculous comments like "there is no such thing as a chemical imbalance"

Is this success?
Yes he is rich and famous. However, I could name numerous dictators that owned countries and known all over the world. Were they "SUCCESSFUL"?
I don't think so.
For every ADD person(untreated with medication) who becomes rich and famous, many more than that end up with very bad out comes. Research proves this.

This is why medication is recommended. We don't know who is going to be successful and who is going to end up in prison, addicted to drugs, or dead.

The research is clear, those who are treated with medication have a better outcome than those who don't.

By the way: What would have happened if Tom had been treated with medication?

Perhaps he would have been even MORE successful.